Today the matalceramic crown is one of the most widely used fixed restorations. The restoration consists of a complete- coverage metal crown that is veneered with a layer of fused porcelain to copy the appearance of a natural tooth.
The metal part can be made of cobalt-chromium-molybdenum alloy, titanium or gold.
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The metal-ceramic restorations combine, to a large degree, the strength of metal with the aesthetics of all-ceramic crown.
One of the most important advantages of metal-ceramic is the price, actually, metal-ceramic crown is MUCH CHEAPER than non-metal crown. Still, it is true that non-metal crowns look more natural. Cast metal does not refract light and zirconia in non-metal crowns does, which gives the tooth natural looks.
A dental prosthesis is an intraoral prosthesis used to restore intraoral defects such as missing teeth, missing parts of teeth and jaw. Since these defects can make many problems in chewing, aesthetics and speech, we offer the best solutions for solving the problems.
So, all these can be avoided by choosing the best type of dental prosthesis device after you have been informed by our doctors team – Dr BLAŽO VUKOVIĆ and MARIJA VUKOVIĆ STEVANOV.
All this can be avoided by the correct choice of prosthetic work, where fixed prosthetics (bridges and crowns) have priority in today's dentistry, and metal-ceramic crowns within it. Apart from prosthetics, the most common branch is IMPLANTOLOGY, which achieves absolute reconstruction of toothless fields, without disturbing adjacent teeth or additional support to natural teeth within fixed prosthetic work.